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Stem Cell Banking from Teeth

At SmileWorks as dental professionals we consider it our duty to keep up to date with the very latest research and techniques. Bio Accredited1Stem cells are today’s hottest medical topic. You’ve probably heard about their fascinating ability to change into various types of human cells, naturally regenerating and repairing our bodies; but what you may not know, is that they can be obtained from our teeth.

SmileWorks clients in Brighton now have the unprecedented opportunity to secure and store their family’s own unique stem cells for children, teenagers and adults to possibly treat future disease and injury.

When you have a wisdom tooth, baby tooth, orthodontic or other planned tooth extraction, SmileWorks and Precious Cells International make recovering and banking valuable dental stem cells convenient and affordable.

SmileWorks Precious Tooth Service lets you preserve the stem cells in your or your children’s teeth.

Dental stem cells are found in any healthy tooth including:

  • Baby teeth that are naturally falling out
  • Wisdom teeth being extracted
  • Teeth being removed to make space for orthodontic purposes

Instead of throwing away this incredible valuable source of your own stem cells, you now have the chance to save them and see how such a simple act could one day help protect your family’s health.

Why preserve dental stem cells?

Similar to stem cells from bone marrow and umbilical cord blood, which have been used for decades to treat leukaemia and other blood related diseases, stem cells from teeth have the potential to be used in a broad range of medical applications.

Doctors have already used dental stem cells to successfully regenerate dental bone and treat periodontal disease. Researchers are studying how they could help treat a number of serious diseases and conditions including:

  • DiabetesPrecious Cells Logo1
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Stroke
  • Myocardial Infarction (heart attack)
  • Liver disease
  • Cornea repair
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Alzheimer’s Disease

At SmileWorks we offer parents a convenient way to preserve their children’s own stem cells by carefully collecting them from their teeth that are naturally due to fall out or are being extracted for any clinical reason.

Whilst millions of parents have stored their child’s stem cells from the umbilical cord at birth, many parents have missed this once in life time chance and now feel devastated that they missed such an opportunity. Now we are able to offer hope to such parents, by giving them a second chance!

The investment to store dental stem cells is significantly less than that of storing umbilical cord blood. Precious Cells stem cell banking collection service includes a consultation with SmileWorks to assess clients’ suitability for successful tooth stem cell harvesting.

Dental stem cells are non-controversial adult stem cells (not embryonic) and a perfect match for the donor and potentially also useful for closely related family members.

Please contact the well informed SmileWorks team for more information on this potentially truly life transformational dental service.

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